Monday, May 14, 2012

Baseball Moms with Intercranialrectumitis

Today at my sons baseball games, I had a sudden urge to violently attack one of the other parents.  This is not a normal thing, but today it just hit really hard on the wrong nerve.  Before getting to far into it, my son is only 6 years old and the league group is CP1 (also known as coach pitch 1).

The rules are fairly basic.  The coach pitches, the batter runs, and both sides try to score runs.  Basically a no brainer as far as for their age it should be FUN!  The age group is for 5/6 year olds and this is the time they learn the basic rules for running bases, scoring runs, strikes,balls, and have fun playing the game because they like it.

Today, we were once again getting stomped point wise and suddenly the woman behind me started talking smack about the assistant coach who was telling the players to pay attention.  This normally wouldn't be a problem, but the assistant coach happens to be my husband.  Then she continues to yell about how the coach pitching isn't doing it right.

Before moving on, one thing I would like to point out.  Her husband was supposed to be coach but his background was big time red flagged!  Also, last year we turned him in for manhandling my son.  The woman behind me hurling insults at my family is so self absorbed that she even went over to the coaches and spoke in spanish only to the only coach out of the four that spoke the language.  To throw fuel on the fire, I understood what she was saying and had to reign in my desire to grab her by her hair and ram her head into the fence pole.

She basically said that the coach was doing it wrong and that they need to change outfield because her precious boys team was not winning.  She also has a tendency to do this at the practices as well.  The coach decided to give in and changed the line up.  Then it really went into the toilet.

Her son was know mad that he was moved from his friend who he was chatting and turning circles with and threw a huge hissy fit.  His mom got hacked when he was told that he needed to either play or sit out.  It is not safe for kids to be romping in the back of the field with baseballs flying their way.  So, Miss Thing grabbed her kid and left spewing hate behind her.

This is supposed to be about the GAME! The FUN!  Not some Pre-Madonna on a broomstick.  The simple pleasure that we make room and sacrifice for so our son can play and have fun is being beaten down by the all consuming urging of the parents to WIN WIN WIN!  The best lessons in life are learned through failure.  They are learned by screwing up time and time again till they figure it out.  That is the best feeling in the world, and I feel the boys are being cheated out of this glorious feeling.