I have watched my BFF Paulette do the writers workshop for a little while, and while I will most likely never do a vlog (I am anti camera) I thought I would try a writing prompt and see where it takes me.
Todays prompts are:
1.) Describe a time you spoke up for someone who couldn’t speak up for themselves.
2.) The Royal Wedding…ten gift ideas.
3.) What is going on in the bedroom? Describe a memorable sleeper.
4.) Photo Story: Take a walk through your neighborhood this week and share some pictures of what Spring looks like where you live.
5.) Something embarrassing that happened at school.
While I thought that doing the Royal Wedding gift ideas would be fun, I suddenly remembered a horridly embarrassing thing that happened at school in the 5th grade. This was back in the late 80s, and I think that there may be a few who have had similar experiences.
I was cursed with getting my period when I was just 9 years old. I was just starting 4th grade when it started. This was not much of an issue, Mom had taught me all about how the body changed and was forever telling me that knowledge was important and that if I knew it was coming I wouldn't wig out when it happened. So, I was perfectly ok with what was going on till I entered 5th grade.
In Texas, there was no sex ed or anything like it till 9th grade, so when we moved to Virginia (kids never had voting rights back then)sex ed started in the 5th grade. So, when I was transplanted there, it was a HUGE adjustment.
Anyhow, we were starting to learn about how the female body changes and then came the question... "Has anyone in the class started their menstrual cycle yet?" Stupidly I raised my hand and oh gee I was the ONLY one. The teacher asked if I wanted to answer any of the classmates questions and once agian, I stupidly said yes.
So after answering a million questions, class was over and it was time to go. Well, this was when white pants were the major rage and I had several pairs, and that day I was wearing my fav pair. As we were walking out of the classroom, the teacher snagged me and told me to see the nurse but not told why.
As I was walking across the school, I was curious about the snickering and pointing, but no one ever told me what was going on. I was very much picked on because I had a very deep accent and was very well endowed for my age (everything is bigger in Texas dontcha know) and it was believed that everyone in Texas has an oil field and that we were all filthy rich. Wish that were true, but...
Anyhow enough rambling. I got to the nurses office, and apparently the teacher had paged the nurse and told her why I was on my way. Apparently, during the class that hag Mother Nature rolled on in and I was wearing WHITE pants. So, I was a gross red mess and suddenly it all clicked into place about why I was being laughed at.
The nurse cut me a pass to walk home, and nicely sent someone to my locker to grab that extra sweater, and let me walk the 1 1/2 miles home. That wasn't near as bad as what happened the next few weeks. The cracks about what had happened was ALL over school and there was no end to it till Summer time. I was never so happy to see the end of the school year.
This started off as a blog to write along with my best friend. Over time, it became a sounding board and venting pedestal for frustrations of some of the more annoying things I struggle with personally with parenting and society. Now, It is just a piece of me that I chose to share online: a viewpoint, opinion, or rant. Maybe my warped sense of humor will make you chuckle. Happy reading!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Oh God NO!
Ok, go ahead and laugh...get it out of your system. Yes, I will wait. *time creeps slowly by* Ok, no that you are done laughing at the title of this blog, I have a crisis I wish to talk about. Yesterday, my daughter Faith came in and once again she is in a mood and crying. Taking a deep breathe, I brace for what I know is about to happen and my mom (Nanna to Faith) gives me a weird "WTH" look. With the TAKS test that day, and the school forbidding me to have lunch with her like I promised I would, I knew she would be upset.
Anyhow, I am having a field day with her mood swings lately and each day pretty much starts the same.
6:30am - 7:00am We wake up the kids, try to feed them breakfast and stuff them into their school uniforms, then convince them that it is in their best interest to go to sleep.
7:10am - Push them into the car telling them that if we miss the bus, Daddy will be late to work and it is time to move it!
7:15am - 2:15pm Run errands, go to the gym for torture, fix what needs fixing in the household and if absolutely necessary, clean the house
2:15 - Pick up Nic at the bus stop and hear why he got and "N" or "U" that day. It is stupid to expect a 4 year old to sit still for 6 hours..but it is our school district
3:20 pm - so it begins....
*sigh* here we go.... Faith comes FLYING through the door crying and telling everyone she has to go pee get out of the way. Fine, whatever, she never uses the restroom at the school before getting on the bus so she normally comes in flying. She throws her book bag on the chair as she is running across the apartment to the potty all while screaming that the bus driver wants to talk to us.
Oh God, is she fighting AGAIN? So, I what till she is done, and ask her to come talk to me. She comes out crying and screaming that she wasn't fighting. Why won't anyone believe her??? Well, I asked her for some details and she said her side and head hurt and the kids were being to loud and when she asked them to quiet down, they ignored her. AS IF?!?!
Deep breathe and look at the calender. OH NO, it is the last week of the month and I am sooo in for it! Nanna has yet to see it, so she is a little confused at my response.
I try to ask her if she was fighting on the bus again. This resulted in immediate tears followed by her shreiking "NO, I was not fighting... they weren't listening and all I wanted was to be left alone!"
So, I tried to ask her if she was using the same tone of voice with them that she was using with me, because she was screaming and not politely asking as she was taught. This statement was met with "YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME!!!" follewed by her stomping into her room and slamming the door.
Nanna is now puzzled and I am wanting to ram my head into a wall. Since she was 8 1/2 she has had mood swings during the end of the month, and after she turned almost 2 months ago, they have been getting stronger. I got her the book "The Keeping and Caring of You for girls" so that she will better understand the changes going on with her and her body since she is getting to the age of puberty.
I glance at the clock, 3:25. Now, I have a weeping, fully disgruntled 9 year old girl and I am trying very hard to keep my cool and figure out what is going on. Nic tries to help her and she viciously turns on him. Since he is only 4, I told her he was just trying to help, and she needed to keep ahold of her temper. This is of course met with a fresh load of tears and screeching of how the world is out to get her.
So, after 45 minutes of the similar stuff, Nanna and I go out to pick up her brothers birthday present and take a breather. In the car, while I was taking a calming breathe, Nanna announces that she knows what is wrong with Faith. I had already suspected, but still she is more experienced after dealing with me.
"Well, she had a headache and her sides hurt." Yeah I remember that..."She also looks puffy and swollen" oh yeah... water retention. "Then there was the crying at the drop of a hat and the screaming" Bet the neighbors noticed that one. "She is PMSing." OH GOD NO! It is WAY to early to deal with this. I only recently got used to buying her bras and having to shave her legs (she was cursed with Hubby's hair curse)
So, this morning, Hubby goes to talk to the bus driver and the bus driver says she has become supersensitive about everything and she seems to young for puberty, but she seems to be going that way could we calm her down. WTH does he think we are trying to do????
OH GOD it is 9:30 in the morning and even typing about this is stressing. She is too young and I know that when Mother Nature fully kicks in I am in for it. Wonder if she will be to young to check for PMDD (PMS on Steroids)......Dear God, here my pleas... Can PMS and Mother Nature please be put on hold till she is 18? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?
Anyhow, I am having a field day with her mood swings lately and each day pretty much starts the same.
6:30am - 7:00am We wake up the kids, try to feed them breakfast and stuff them into their school uniforms, then convince them that it is in their best interest to go to sleep.
7:10am - Push them into the car telling them that if we miss the bus, Daddy will be late to work and it is time to move it!
7:15am - 2:15pm Run errands, go to the gym for torture, fix what needs fixing in the household and if absolutely necessary, clean the house
2:15 - Pick up Nic at the bus stop and hear why he got and "N" or "U" that day. It is stupid to expect a 4 year old to sit still for 6 hours..but it is our school district
3:20 pm - so it begins....
*sigh* here we go.... Faith comes FLYING through the door crying and telling everyone she has to go pee get out of the way. Fine, whatever, she never uses the restroom at the school before getting on the bus so she normally comes in flying. She throws her book bag on the chair as she is running across the apartment to the potty all while screaming that the bus driver wants to talk to us.
Oh God, is she fighting AGAIN? So, I what till she is done, and ask her to come talk to me. She comes out crying and screaming that she wasn't fighting. Why won't anyone believe her??? Well, I asked her for some details and she said her side and head hurt and the kids were being to loud and when she asked them to quiet down, they ignored her. AS IF?!?!
Deep breathe and look at the calender. OH NO, it is the last week of the month and I am sooo in for it! Nanna has yet to see it, so she is a little confused at my response.
I try to ask her if she was fighting on the bus again. This resulted in immediate tears followed by her shreiking "NO, I was not fighting... they weren't listening and all I wanted was to be left alone!"
So, I tried to ask her if she was using the same tone of voice with them that she was using with me, because she was screaming and not politely asking as she was taught. This statement was met with "YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME!!!" follewed by her stomping into her room and slamming the door.
Nanna is now puzzled and I am wanting to ram my head into a wall. Since she was 8 1/2 she has had mood swings during the end of the month, and after she turned almost 2 months ago, they have been getting stronger. I got her the book "The Keeping and Caring of You for girls" so that she will better understand the changes going on with her and her body since she is getting to the age of puberty.
I glance at the clock, 3:25. Now, I have a weeping, fully disgruntled 9 year old girl and I am trying very hard to keep my cool and figure out what is going on. Nic tries to help her and she viciously turns on him. Since he is only 4, I told her he was just trying to help, and she needed to keep ahold of her temper. This is of course met with a fresh load of tears and screeching of how the world is out to get her.
So, after 45 minutes of the similar stuff, Nanna and I go out to pick up her brothers birthday present and take a breather. In the car, while I was taking a calming breathe, Nanna announces that she knows what is wrong with Faith. I had already suspected, but still she is more experienced after dealing with me.
"Well, she had a headache and her sides hurt." Yeah I remember that..."She also looks puffy and swollen" oh yeah... water retention. "Then there was the crying at the drop of a hat and the screaming" Bet the neighbors noticed that one. "She is PMSing." OH GOD NO! It is WAY to early to deal with this. I only recently got used to buying her bras and having to shave her legs (she was cursed with Hubby's hair curse)
So, this morning, Hubby goes to talk to the bus driver and the bus driver says she has become supersensitive about everything and she seems to young for puberty, but she seems to be going that way could we calm her down. WTH does he think we are trying to do????
OH GOD it is 9:30 in the morning and even typing about this is stressing. She is too young and I know that when Mother Nature fully kicks in I am in for it. Wonder if she will be to young to check for PMDD (PMS on Steroids)......Dear God, here my pleas... Can PMS and Mother Nature please be put on hold till she is 18? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Water Aerobics ~ Kickin' it Senior Style! Part 2
Ok, Since trying out the water aerobics, my Mom and I have officially joined the 9 am class. That means that I leave the house earlier, call Mom along the way and hopefully find her awake and in a semi lovable mood.
So, we have three instructors a week, and everyone of them have a unique style to tone and torture your body with. One has a noodle routine that is actually fun (especially since the kids showed me how to use one as a wtaer gun) and the others are fairly intense.
Each time the first ten to twenty minutes are nothing. Walk in a circle, create a great speed and walking with the flow of the water then flip around and walk against the nice strong tide you've just created. Cross country skiing in the water, stretching your calves, shoulder blades, necks, thumbs, toes and everything else till you want to sit down cross your legs and scream "NO" Like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum.
Once we hit the thirty minute mark, I thought it would go faster, but no... as usual with the aerobics thing, I was so off mark. The clock seems to run backwards! It is kinda like when we are walking first one way then another all without warning! So, now everything is outta whack and even the parts that were ok are now loudy protesting and the other members of the class (All seniors) are blasting through the class making cracks about how their days are going, their plans for the week, and how the instructor is getting soft on the class (AS IF o.o')
So, after what feels like 2 hours, we are now at the forty five minute mark, and now it is time to work our arms and upper body. The ONLY thing not hurting now is the head, so now it is time to stretch the fingers, neck and shoulders. One and Two and Three and Four and on and on and on and on and on......
Finally the hour ends and the other members agily scramble out of the arthritis pool and into the jacuzzi. Meanwhile, Mom and I float in the peaceful bliss of the empty pool trying to brace ourselves for when we get out of the warm pool and gravity hits. Normally, getting out of a pool isn't that big a deal, but after the hour of full on physical torture, gravity feels a lot heavier than it should.
Even after a week of this and trying to adjust to the routine and all, it is still very exhausting to keep up with the other members. God I hope when I get to their ages I can still be that active....
So, we have three instructors a week, and everyone of them have a unique style to tone and torture your body with. One has a noodle routine that is actually fun (especially since the kids showed me how to use one as a wtaer gun) and the others are fairly intense.
Each time the first ten to twenty minutes are nothing. Walk in a circle, create a great speed and walking with the flow of the water then flip around and walk against the nice strong tide you've just created. Cross country skiing in the water, stretching your calves, shoulder blades, necks, thumbs, toes and everything else till you want to sit down cross your legs and scream "NO" Like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum.
Once we hit the thirty minute mark, I thought it would go faster, but no... as usual with the aerobics thing, I was so off mark. The clock seems to run backwards! It is kinda like when we are walking first one way then another all without warning! So, now everything is outta whack and even the parts that were ok are now loudy protesting and the other members of the class (All seniors) are blasting through the class making cracks about how their days are going, their plans for the week, and how the instructor is getting soft on the class (AS IF o.o')
So, after what feels like 2 hours, we are now at the forty five minute mark, and now it is time to work our arms and upper body. The ONLY thing not hurting now is the head, so now it is time to stretch the fingers, neck and shoulders. One and Two and Three and Four and on and on and on and on and on......
Finally the hour ends and the other members agily scramble out of the arthritis pool and into the jacuzzi. Meanwhile, Mom and I float in the peaceful bliss of the empty pool trying to brace ourselves for when we get out of the warm pool and gravity hits. Normally, getting out of a pool isn't that big a deal, but after the hour of full on physical torture, gravity feels a lot heavier than it should.
Even after a week of this and trying to adjust to the routine and all, it is still very exhausting to keep up with the other members. God I hope when I get to their ages I can still be that active....
Monday, April 18, 2011
All Natural Healing My Foot!!!!
Thinking it would be nice to try a relaxing herbal mask, I pulled out the one I purchased from Walmart a few days ago. It said it was made from almost all natural elements, and that I would feel refreshed and rejuvinated. What was there to loose other than stress right?
Oh boy was I WRONG! I pulled out the package and carefully read all the instructions thinking this would be fun and girly. Well, I smelled the mask first and was pleased it smelled like spierament (wow I cannot spell that) gum and so I thought once again this was a good choice.
Put the nose piece on and it wasn't to bad. Next can the mask. I carefully laid the mask on as instructed and thought I would relax a few minutes while it worked it's detoxing magic...and then it happened.
Aside from Hubby laughing his tail end off, I went to read the all natural ingredients when my face started burning. Thinking that maybe this would end soon and I would look and feel refreshed in just a few minutes, but once again my theory was flawed....My eyes are burning, it feels like my face is on fire and melting like the plastic dolls at the beginning of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory....
So I have come to the conclusion that the only part of my all natural tea facial mask is the gum smell and the rest is acid.... why oh why is it torture to be just a little girly.....
Oh boy was I WRONG! I pulled out the package and carefully read all the instructions thinking this would be fun and girly. Well, I smelled the mask first and was pleased it smelled like spierament (wow I cannot spell that) gum and so I thought once again this was a good choice.
Put the nose piece on and it wasn't to bad. Next can the mask. I carefully laid the mask on as instructed and thought I would relax a few minutes while it worked it's detoxing magic...and then it happened.
Aside from Hubby laughing his tail end off, I went to read the all natural ingredients when my face started burning. Thinking that maybe this would end soon and I would look and feel refreshed in just a few minutes, but once again my theory was flawed....My eyes are burning, it feels like my face is on fire and melting like the plastic dolls at the beginning of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory....
So I have come to the conclusion that the only part of my all natural tea facial mask is the gum smell and the rest is acid.... why oh why is it torture to be just a little girly.....
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Best Drug
Now I have come to find out I have a few issues and my issues seem to have become subscriptions. The first of which is that I have a few minor addictions.
The 1st addiction: CAFFINE!!!
Need I say more? I cannot drink coffee (I tend to buzz in place) but my drug of choice is coca cola. Beautiful, sweet nectar of life that makes 6:30am livable. Cool and refreshing way to keep going at 9:00am when you need to keep going. Sweet and fizzy at lunch time perfect drink for any dish you want and again at 3pm when desperately want a nap. Then for dinner when you are buzzing from the other drinks and need to keep going, not really wanting it, but NEEDING it...then just as you think NO MORE NO MORE... you have to have the last one at 10pm cause you need to be able to stay awake longer than the kids at 11:30pm...I am trying to cut down to 2 a day but be forewarned if you see on the news that Hell has frozen completely over, I have fully kicked this habit.
The 2nd addiction: Books
I LOVE the written worlds that talented authors are able to weave. I love being able to slip away from reality and fully explore new worlds and times gone by. Nothing that requires immediate attention and can be picked up and put down at your leisure. Normally a book wouldn't be an addiction, but right when bedtime approaches and you have spent several hours in your favorite story, the addiction monster kicks in.... you CANNOT go to sleep w/o knowing what happens next! Why can't the book be put down? If the plot is well known and the characters are people you know and can relate to it should be sooo much easier to put down the book right.
and the 3rd and final addiction: Friendship
This is the most potent addiction of all. Anytime I need to talk Paulette has always been there. When I was at my most miserable down in the dumps beyond all hope sad she flew across town (I would say drive, but her car almost beat the speed of sound) to take me out of the house where we could talk privately and I could get over my anxiety attack. We are such good friends that we take anything that sounds negative with a grain of salt and still laugh at how we meet so many (very undisclosed) years ago and all our antics we have played over the years.
My friend Connor and I have also been friends for eons and get along very well as well. We hang out, watch TV, chat about all sorts of things both common and very weird. Nothing is sacred and almost everything said is some form of verbal banter. Right now till he starts his new Mon - Fri job (which he is BEYOND) happy about, we hang out on Tuesdays. We go check out piercing jewelry and planning our next tattoos. He went with me when I got the one on my wrist.
Brandye and I have been friends awhile and are building a strong friendship. We knew each other in high school, but after I graduated and married I took off for Fort Hood and kinda did my own thing. We now get together regularly and do girly things together. I keep telling her I am going to corrupt her since my sense of humor is ummm... well different. We got together one night when she was doing a bake sale at her job and stayed up super late to make awesome tie dye cupcakes and brownies. Since she works alot and her free Sundays are spent with Connor, I try very hard to visit when our schedules allow it.
I have a friend who I recently rediscovered thanks to facebook. Tommy and I were friends back in high school when he was dating my BFF at the time Julie. They were kinda in the middle of a dispute and I was asked to mediate. They eventually broke up and Tommy and I started hanging out together. When I met Patrick and started planning my wedding he was always there to help out. He is one of the most gentle people that I know. On my wedding day, he took a cab all the way across town to see my wedding. What was funny was Julie caught the bouquet and Tommy caught the garter. Within no time flat both of them where married (though to someone else) and both have beautiful families.
Now to the person I have known the longest, though back in PreK he might have wished different cause I was kicking his tail several days a week (yes sadly I was a mini bully back then) There was some respite for him though since I spent several years in different schools. Over the years even though we bicker and fight we are still very good friends. In fact, the arguing is almost a sport.
Any and every time available I get, I try to see, talk to, or hang out with my friends. When Paulette calls I laughingly tell her I need my "fix" and if we don't talk for a day or two I start going through withdrawls! Since I am trying to kick most of the caffine habit, I need a new stronger one. So this morning as I sluggishly chatting with Paulette (My brain stinks uncaffinated- which BTW explains this blog)and I was telling her that I needed my "bff fix" before my super busy day. That is when it hit me...Out of all my addictions my friends are the biggest and strongest of them.
So here we are at the end of this and I realize how truely blessed I am that every person I have mentioned I have been friends with for at LEAST 10 years. Oh well... so much for the 12 step program I will just have to happily live with these addictions :)
The 1st addiction: CAFFINE!!!
Need I say more? I cannot drink coffee (I tend to buzz in place) but my drug of choice is coca cola. Beautiful, sweet nectar of life that makes 6:30am livable. Cool and refreshing way to keep going at 9:00am when you need to keep going. Sweet and fizzy at lunch time perfect drink for any dish you want and again at 3pm when desperately want a nap. Then for dinner when you are buzzing from the other drinks and need to keep going, not really wanting it, but NEEDING it...then just as you think NO MORE NO MORE... you have to have the last one at 10pm cause you need to be able to stay awake longer than the kids at 11:30pm...I am trying to cut down to 2 a day but be forewarned if you see on the news that Hell has frozen completely over, I have fully kicked this habit.
The 2nd addiction: Books
I LOVE the written worlds that talented authors are able to weave. I love being able to slip away from reality and fully explore new worlds and times gone by. Nothing that requires immediate attention and can be picked up and put down at your leisure. Normally a book wouldn't be an addiction, but right when bedtime approaches and you have spent several hours in your favorite story, the addiction monster kicks in.... you CANNOT go to sleep w/o knowing what happens next! Why can't the book be put down? If the plot is well known and the characters are people you know and can relate to it should be sooo much easier to put down the book right.
and the 3rd and final addiction: Friendship
This is the most potent addiction of all. Anytime I need to talk Paulette has always been there. When I was at my most miserable down in the dumps beyond all hope sad she flew across town (I would say drive, but her car almost beat the speed of sound) to take me out of the house where we could talk privately and I could get over my anxiety attack. We are such good friends that we take anything that sounds negative with a grain of salt and still laugh at how we meet so many (very undisclosed) years ago and all our antics we have played over the years.
My friend Connor and I have also been friends for eons and get along very well as well. We hang out, watch TV, chat about all sorts of things both common and very weird. Nothing is sacred and almost everything said is some form of verbal banter. Right now till he starts his new Mon - Fri job (which he is BEYOND) happy about, we hang out on Tuesdays. We go check out piercing jewelry and planning our next tattoos. He went with me when I got the one on my wrist.
Brandye and I have been friends awhile and are building a strong friendship. We knew each other in high school, but after I graduated and married I took off for Fort Hood and kinda did my own thing. We now get together regularly and do girly things together. I keep telling her I am going to corrupt her since my sense of humor is ummm... well different. We got together one night when she was doing a bake sale at her job and stayed up super late to make awesome tie dye cupcakes and brownies. Since she works alot and her free Sundays are spent with Connor, I try very hard to visit when our schedules allow it.
I have a friend who I recently rediscovered thanks to facebook. Tommy and I were friends back in high school when he was dating my BFF at the time Julie. They were kinda in the middle of a dispute and I was asked to mediate. They eventually broke up and Tommy and I started hanging out together. When I met Patrick and started planning my wedding he was always there to help out. He is one of the most gentle people that I know. On my wedding day, he took a cab all the way across town to see my wedding. What was funny was Julie caught the bouquet and Tommy caught the garter. Within no time flat both of them where married (though to someone else) and both have beautiful families.
Now to the person I have known the longest, though back in PreK he might have wished different cause I was kicking his tail several days a week (yes sadly I was a mini bully back then) There was some respite for him though since I spent several years in different schools. Over the years even though we bicker and fight we are still very good friends. In fact, the arguing is almost a sport.
Any and every time available I get, I try to see, talk to, or hang out with my friends. When Paulette calls I laughingly tell her I need my "fix" and if we don't talk for a day or two I start going through withdrawls! Since I am trying to kick most of the caffine habit, I need a new stronger one. So this morning as I sluggishly chatting with Paulette (My brain stinks uncaffinated- which BTW explains this blog)and I was telling her that I needed my "bff fix" before my super busy day. That is when it hit me...Out of all my addictions my friends are the biggest and strongest of them.
So here we are at the end of this and I realize how truely blessed I am that every person I have mentioned I have been friends with for at LEAST 10 years. Oh well... so much for the 12 step program I will just have to happily live with these addictions :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Water Aerobics ~ Kickin' it Senior Style!
Yesterday, I wanted very much to write another blog, and share some of the fun I had hanging out with my friend Connor. We went and hung out all day since it was his day off, ran a few errand, worked on our birthday wish list (the birthdays are within 6 days of each other) and chatted about everything and everything. The only problem was that after all the fun and running around, after Pat (hubby) came home from work, it was time to hit the ground running. It was time to cook dinner, go to the book fair for the kids, run to half-priced books because the cost of the books at the book fair were outrageously expensive, get them to bed and by that time, I was ready to drop as well! But it was a great day, and I was determined to follow yesterdays greatness with a trip to the gym with Mom.
The gym has everything a fitness center should and more! Fully equipped with all the body torturing machines and the indoor/outdoor walking track, personal trainers, and 2 swimming pools (one an olympic style and the other a warm arthritis pool) and a jacuzzi it is pure heaven!
Here lately, every time Mom and I wanted to go, there have been issues going on and we were unable to go work out. So, both of us were dressed in our workout clothes and shoes (for those who know me personally, yes I wore sneakers to the gym - now please pick up your jaw, I don't want it to hurt later) Anyhow, so in our wonderful conquer that world attitude, we started up the stairs to head up to the indoor track. Almost immediately, me knee said "Oh heck no!" and after 2 measly laps, we headed to the pool to work out the angry muscles. After crawling into the locker room and forcing ourselves into our swim suits and trying to cram all our things into an itty bitty locker, it was finally time for something easy.
The olympic pool was full of people working on a water aerobics class, so eying the almost empty arthritis pool we made a beeline to the wonderful hot water. The arthritis pool is kept at a wonderful 84 degrees at all times. This is great for all sorts of aches and pains, so we started walking the pool and chatting about how wonderful it was to be able to be in the pool. Once again we were in our happy place and enjoying how things were going.
Slowly, some elder members started entering the pool, and we found that there was only 10 mins till the coveted arthritis class began. Since both of us have major back issues we have been wanting to try the class, but you have to fill out an application and be placed into the class. Thinking that we were about to be booted, we worked to keep moving and get all we could out of todays swim because once we had to leave the warm haven of the 84 degrees we were getting into the colder olympic pool. It simply was not happening!
Fortunately, the instructor was a very nice older gentleman who invited us to join in. What luck! Finally a chance to try a water aerobics class. Since I am only 31, I am very easily the youngest in the pool. Most are in their 50's and there was a group of ladies in their early 70's that loved to gossip while working out.
Mom and I were watching from the sidelines for the past few years, and have been trying to mimic the movements on our own. So the first thought was "This should be fun and easy" OMG....the joke was on us!
We started of walking in circles and just as everything was going well and we were easily moving, the direction of the circle changed and suddenly we were fighting a currant. For the next 45 minutes, we found that everything we tried to mimic we did wrong and found there were muscles all over that we never knew existed!
The older ladies just kept moving easily and while talking and ignoring the instructor. I have no idea how they were able to keep up when everything in my body was protesting it's very existence! There was even an exersize for rotating your thumbs. So as mom and I try desperately to keep going and keep up, the older ladies were busy discussing us (since we were knew they were curious) and how we were slowing down. Just as I thought the torment couldn't get any worse, at the end after everyone had left and the pool was empty, we thought we would soak some of the sore out in the jacuzzi.
Excited to go sit in the bubbling 104 degree water and really get some pain relief from torture, we quickly tried to exit the pool. As soon as both feet were out of the water, gravity kicked in and suddenly even little things like walking and carrying the towels were hard. I swear we carried off 300 lbs of water :/
It did take 25 minutes in the jacuzzi to convince our legs that they wanted to carry us, and 40 minutes of fighting our clothes to get out of the gym and out the door.
So, todays lesson was this..... NEVER be fooled by age! The older ladies kicked our butts in the water aerobics and when they left the pool there was no hitch or hint there was any issues. I wonder how they do it......
The gym has everything a fitness center should and more! Fully equipped with all the body torturing machines and the indoor/outdoor walking track, personal trainers, and 2 swimming pools (one an olympic style and the other a warm arthritis pool) and a jacuzzi it is pure heaven!
Here lately, every time Mom and I wanted to go, there have been issues going on and we were unable to go work out. So, both of us were dressed in our workout clothes and shoes (for those who know me personally, yes I wore sneakers to the gym - now please pick up your jaw, I don't want it to hurt later) Anyhow, so in our wonderful conquer that world attitude, we started up the stairs to head up to the indoor track. Almost immediately, me knee said "Oh heck no!" and after 2 measly laps, we headed to the pool to work out the angry muscles. After crawling into the locker room and forcing ourselves into our swim suits and trying to cram all our things into an itty bitty locker, it was finally time for something easy.
The olympic pool was full of people working on a water aerobics class, so eying the almost empty arthritis pool we made a beeline to the wonderful hot water. The arthritis pool is kept at a wonderful 84 degrees at all times. This is great for all sorts of aches and pains, so we started walking the pool and chatting about how wonderful it was to be able to be in the pool. Once again we were in our happy place and enjoying how things were going.
Slowly, some elder members started entering the pool, and we found that there was only 10 mins till the coveted arthritis class began. Since both of us have major back issues we have been wanting to try the class, but you have to fill out an application and be placed into the class. Thinking that we were about to be booted, we worked to keep moving and get all we could out of todays swim because once we had to leave the warm haven of the 84 degrees we were getting into the colder olympic pool. It simply was not happening!
Fortunately, the instructor was a very nice older gentleman who invited us to join in. What luck! Finally a chance to try a water aerobics class. Since I am only 31, I am very easily the youngest in the pool. Most are in their 50's and there was a group of ladies in their early 70's that loved to gossip while working out.
Mom and I were watching from the sidelines for the past few years, and have been trying to mimic the movements on our own. So the first thought was "This should be fun and easy" OMG....the joke was on us!
We started of walking in circles and just as everything was going well and we were easily moving, the direction of the circle changed and suddenly we were fighting a currant. For the next 45 minutes, we found that everything we tried to mimic we did wrong and found there were muscles all over that we never knew existed!
The older ladies just kept moving easily and while talking and ignoring the instructor. I have no idea how they were able to keep up when everything in my body was protesting it's very existence! There was even an exersize for rotating your thumbs. So as mom and I try desperately to keep going and keep up, the older ladies were busy discussing us (since we were knew they were curious) and how we were slowing down. Just as I thought the torment couldn't get any worse, at the end after everyone had left and the pool was empty, we thought we would soak some of the sore out in the jacuzzi.
Excited to go sit in the bubbling 104 degree water and really get some pain relief from torture, we quickly tried to exit the pool. As soon as both feet were out of the water, gravity kicked in and suddenly even little things like walking and carrying the towels were hard. I swear we carried off 300 lbs of water :/
It did take 25 minutes in the jacuzzi to convince our legs that they wanted to carry us, and 40 minutes of fighting our clothes to get out of the gym and out the door.
So, todays lesson was this..... NEVER be fooled by age! The older ladies kicked our butts in the water aerobics and when they left the pool there was no hitch or hint there was any issues. I wonder how they do it......
30 Day Song Challe
First ~ This was not my idea. I saw it I Know, Write? by Corrine I also noticed there's a Facebook Page for it, too.
Second ~ The Rules are as follows:
day 01 - your favorite song
day 02 - your least favorite song
day 03 - a song that makes you happy
day 04 - a song that makes you sad
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
day 09 - a song that you can dance to
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 - a song from your favorite band
day 12 - a song from a band you hate
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 - a song that describes you
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 - a song from your childhood
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year
Ok, Paulette (my BFF) makes this look easy although she had the hardest time with the 1st day. I can happily say that I am not afflicted with the first day issue, but will probably be stumped later in the Challenge.
Day 1 - Your Favorite Song
Hold on to your hats... My fav song is a CLASSICAL song. I know there are a few who are thinking WTF, but it is the absolute truth! It is one of the most beautiful songs ever composed. It is from the movie "Somewhere In Time". The movie is very sad and very moving (and when a few friends found out it was a romance OMG the reactions were HILAREOUS!) There is only one version with the words in the music that I have found. I hope you like listening to it. :)
I found BOTH versions! The first one is purely classical (my ultimate fav) and the second is one I found recently with the words being sung. I didn't realize till very recently that there were words that went with this piece. Please enjoy both versions :)
BTW, VERY big thanks to bff for helping me figure out how to get the video attatched :)
Day 02 - Your least favorite song
I ABSOLUTELY hate the song the entertainer! There is not another song that I dislike near as much as this one. When I was in middle school, I played the trumpet and one of the songs the we had to learn was "The Entertainer" and it was the school finale for that class. It didn't help that the class had one person who I hated above all else, but at least that is all now part of the past. What drives me bananas is that EVERY ice cream truck in the area plays it... oh what I would give for a pair of untracable wire snips and a super dark night.....MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Day 03 - A song that makes you happy
On the way over to Mom's I was thinking long and hard about todays challenge as there are sooo many songs that are bright and happy and all are tied to wonderful memories and people. So, as I am flipping through the songs on the MP3 disk in the car, I was trying to decide on what song made me the happiest, then it came on! The song is called "Free" and it is off the movie "Empire Records" Every time I here it on the radio or the CD, it brings a smile to my face. Especially when I am the one driving the car (I was without one for 11 years) Hope you like it :)
Day 04 - A song that makes you sad
Well, you asked for it. There are several that are tear jerkers and there are several heartwrenching songs (See Ms P Drama) http://mspdrama.blogspot.com/2011/04/3-day-song-challenge.html Her song will bring you to tears! My husband proudly served in the Army, and every now and then he looks for songs honoring the fallen. When I say todays challenge I had another song in mind, but this one really covers a song that makes me sad. Break out the tissues this is very very sad.......
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of someone
My Bff Paulette picked out the most beautiful song for me for this spot in her blog, and I have several for her. However, in this spot, I want to think of a friend who passed away almost 10 years ago (It will be 10 years Nov 2011) We went to Thanksgiving and came home to find a note on our door. My friend Marcus was the best and most positive influence in our life at this time. Our birthdays were only 1 day apart, so I was a day older. He was to be our childrens' Godfather, and he would have been great at it! For years I was lost in how to express my feelings over losing him, and it was through another friends tragic loss that this song was found. When Allen lost his father, he played this song for me to hear and it immediately fit the bill. Even today, I still miss Marcus and wish others could have met him. It doesn't seem fair that he was taken so very young, but then some people just burn to bright for this Earth. So, for Marcus (because Paulette is absolutely FORBIDDEN to die before I do)
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere
A few years ago (about a dozen) I was taken by my stepfather to a theme resturant called "The Magic Time Machine". We were seatted by Glenda the Good Witch, our server was Dorothy and Toto. The Karate Kid brought us our drinks and it was a TON of fun! The ceiling was covered in shards of glass and when we looked up there was a riot of colors and patterns. The table was set to jook like a japanese table that you walked down too. Each table was a different theme and all the staff were dressed in the most wonderful costumes. I hope you enjoy :-)
Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Opening Weekend of the Rangers season, my BFF Paulette had 2 extra tickets to the Rangers game and there was a Girl Scout Parade that day where all girl scouts and their families got to walk all the way around the field ON the field. We even got there early enough for the kids to get t-shirts curtesy of the ball park! The song for today is "Deep in the Heart of Texas" They had everyone who had a hat to raise it in the air (I was one of the few without one, and if you were a Texan, they wanted us to sing it with pride. It was one of the BEST days and we all had a ton of fun! So here is todays choice :-)
Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to
Ironically, I now a TON of songs all the words to, but what I really like to do if play with peoples minds since I can sing BOTH parts of these. If I have the music going, I can mimic both voices :-) It is fun to do. The only video with the good music quality was a very boring and badly made. Hope you enjoy the music :D
Day 09 - A song that you can dance to
No one could ever confuse me with someone who could dance, but back in the day, there was a dance that everyone in Texas used to be able to do. Well, I was going to use the following song, http://youtu.be/yXv5Trn7hDo However, since I cannot use that one, I figured I would use another song that a few *ahem Paulette* should know *wink* *wink*
It is the electric slide!
Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Normally, I listen to an audiobook to fall asleep to. Something like "The Series of Unfortunate Events" By Lemony Snicket. Yesterday I was listening to "A Woman Without Lies" By Elizabeth Lowell. If I listen to music to go to sleep I have a few classical songs I love listening to. The group that I like the most is called Secret Garden. One of my fav songs to falls alseep to is called "Silent Wings". The video that goes with this is very soothing as well. Be careful not to fall asleep listening :-)
Day 11 - A song from your favorite band
I don't really have a favorite band. I just find something I like and roll with it. Here lately it has been Rascal Flats. There are a few songs that remind me of my BFF Paulette. So, I decided to put that one here. Enjoy :-)
Day 12 - A song from a band you hate
I am a day behind. Bad Rachel Bad! *Snicker* Yesterday was Easter, and I had to go hunt eggs with the kiddos. After 3 parties and a major storm, I just crashed for the night. There are not very many songs that I don't like, but this is one of them. I don't like the message that this song sends.
Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
I am not sure how a song can be a guilty pleasure, but here is one I think fits the bill :-) It was one I was listening to when I was pregnant and thinking about my daughter, Faith. The name of the song is "Heaven's Gift to Me" It is also known as a Wiccan Lullaby. The singer is known as Gypsy.
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
There are very few things that would surprise people, I have one that may fit the bill. This one may do it... It is from a series called "The Nadesico" The song is called Ruki's song also know as "Let Me Be Your Number 1"
Day 15 - A song that describes you
Today's choice was very difficult. I have a hard time thinking of what is me. So, with a little help from Connor, here is todays choice :-)
Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
There are a very wide varieties of music that I used to love now hate. Hubby likes to play a song over and over and over and over and over and over again till it grates on the nerves. Here is one I used to love especially while I was clubbing in my younger pre-kid days but now kind hardly stand. :$
Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
This song is all over my fav radio station 103.7 KVIL. It is called "Bubbly" It is so cute and upbeat :)
Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
I love upbeat and positive songs, so there is a whole list of songs I would love to hear. However, there is one that I love that I feel should be on the radio more often. It is Michelle Branch "You Set me Free"
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
I happen to LOVE Phantom of the Opera! It is one of my all time favorites and one of these days, I would love to see it live and in person, but till then...
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
When I am angry, I normally like to listen to a group of upbeat songs to try and get a grip on my temper, however, there is one song that I listen to if I cannot get a grip. It is called "I hate Everything" By George Strait
After this choice was made, something came up over the weekend that REALLY hacked me off, and I thought of a song that I listen to more often than the one above....Fair warning this song has EXPLICIT language it is called "Slept So Long" from the movie "Queen of the Damned"
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
Good Lord this one is a challenge! There are several songs that I love to listen to especially when I am happy..I guess my favorite of these are "Watch Me Shine" by Joanna Pacitti
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
Only a handful of truly great friends have seen me cry. I have a major issue with it. However if I am on my own and sad, I do have one song that I listen to from the movie "Ernest Goes to Camp"The song isThis one is hard to admit to. I have a thing against very called "I'm Glad it's Raining"
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
Since I have been married 13 years, this one is super easy! At the wedding, we were not allowed alot of music, and our preacher had thought we were joking about getting married (even though we asked him to do the wedding vows) he found us getting married a joke because I was 18 (just barely) and Pat was 20. We were and still are wildly in love, though some days it is harder to believe than others. Our wedding song was one that Pat dedicated to me "(Everything I do) I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
I have seen a few people have a real issue with this, but I don't. I want my funeral to be followed by a HUGE party. I don't want family and friends crying that I am gone (for very long) I want them to remember how I lived and that I love my family and friends and I believe that we will all meet up again in Heaven. Also, since I was told that "Irish Mountain Dew" was inappropriate (although considering I want an open bar at the reception I tend to disagree) This is the song I want played at my funeral...It is by Kim Carnes the song is called "I'll Be Where the Heart is"
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
There are several hilarious songs, but this is one of the best. Especially know that my daughter is old enough to go to camp. :)
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
I would LOVE to be able to play "Point of No Return" Since I am a BIG TIME fan of Phantom of the Opera and already know the music I would love to be able to play this song.
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
The Singer is easy enough... Red Sovine! He has a TON of songs that are sad and evoke guilt trips....The one that evokes the most amount of guilt is called "Roses for Mama" (MsPDrama - I suggest skipping this song unless you have kleenexs)
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
This is one of the EASIEST of the challenge. Anyone remember New Kids on the Block BEFORE they became NKOTB? This was one of my FAVS
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year
FINALLY the end! This challenge is 29 days longer than my attention span LOL! Fav song last year this time was Miley Cyrus "The Climb"
Second ~ The Rules are as follows:
day 01 - your favorite song
day 02 - your least favorite song
day 03 - a song that makes you happy
day 04 - a song that makes you sad
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
day 09 - a song that you can dance to
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 - a song from your favorite band
day 12 - a song from a band you hate
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 - a song that describes you
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 - a song from your childhood
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year
Ok, Paulette (my BFF) makes this look easy although she had the hardest time with the 1st day. I can happily say that I am not afflicted with the first day issue, but will probably be stumped later in the Challenge.
Day 1 - Your Favorite Song
Hold on to your hats... My fav song is a CLASSICAL song. I know there are a few who are thinking WTF, but it is the absolute truth! It is one of the most beautiful songs ever composed. It is from the movie "Somewhere In Time". The movie is very sad and very moving (and when a few friends found out it was a romance OMG the reactions were HILAREOUS!) There is only one version with the words in the music that I have found. I hope you like listening to it. :)
I found BOTH versions! The first one is purely classical (my ultimate fav) and the second is one I found recently with the words being sung. I didn't realize till very recently that there were words that went with this piece. Please enjoy both versions :)
BTW, VERY big thanks to bff for helping me figure out how to get the video attatched :)
Day 02 - Your least favorite song
I ABSOLUTELY hate the song the entertainer! There is not another song that I dislike near as much as this one. When I was in middle school, I played the trumpet and one of the songs the we had to learn was "The Entertainer" and it was the school finale for that class. It didn't help that the class had one person who I hated above all else, but at least that is all now part of the past. What drives me bananas is that EVERY ice cream truck in the area plays it... oh what I would give for a pair of untracable wire snips and a super dark night.....MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Day 03 - A song that makes you happy
On the way over to Mom's I was thinking long and hard about todays challenge as there are sooo many songs that are bright and happy and all are tied to wonderful memories and people. So, as I am flipping through the songs on the MP3 disk in the car, I was trying to decide on what song made me the happiest, then it came on! The song is called "Free" and it is off the movie "Empire Records" Every time I here it on the radio or the CD, it brings a smile to my face. Especially when I am the one driving the car (I was without one for 11 years) Hope you like it :)
Day 04 - A song that makes you sad
Well, you asked for it. There are several that are tear jerkers and there are several heartwrenching songs (See Ms P Drama) http://mspdrama.blogspot.com/2011/04/3-day-song-challenge.html Her song will bring you to tears! My husband proudly served in the Army, and every now and then he looks for songs honoring the fallen. When I say todays challenge I had another song in mind, but this one really covers a song that makes me sad. Break out the tissues this is very very sad.......
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of someone
My Bff Paulette picked out the most beautiful song for me for this spot in her blog, and I have several for her. However, in this spot, I want to think of a friend who passed away almost 10 years ago (It will be 10 years Nov 2011) We went to Thanksgiving and came home to find a note on our door. My friend Marcus was the best and most positive influence in our life at this time. Our birthdays were only 1 day apart, so I was a day older. He was to be our childrens' Godfather, and he would have been great at it! For years I was lost in how to express my feelings over losing him, and it was through another friends tragic loss that this song was found. When Allen lost his father, he played this song for me to hear and it immediately fit the bill. Even today, I still miss Marcus and wish others could have met him. It doesn't seem fair that he was taken so very young, but then some people just burn to bright for this Earth. So, for Marcus (because Paulette is absolutely FORBIDDEN to die before I do)
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere
A few years ago (about a dozen) I was taken by my stepfather to a theme resturant called "The Magic Time Machine". We were seatted by Glenda the Good Witch, our server was Dorothy and Toto. The Karate Kid brought us our drinks and it was a TON of fun! The ceiling was covered in shards of glass and when we looked up there was a riot of colors and patterns. The table was set to jook like a japanese table that you walked down too. Each table was a different theme and all the staff were dressed in the most wonderful costumes. I hope you enjoy :-)
Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Opening Weekend of the Rangers season, my BFF Paulette had 2 extra tickets to the Rangers game and there was a Girl Scout Parade that day where all girl scouts and their families got to walk all the way around the field ON the field. We even got there early enough for the kids to get t-shirts curtesy of the ball park! The song for today is "Deep in the Heart of Texas" They had everyone who had a hat to raise it in the air (I was one of the few without one, and if you were a Texan, they wanted us to sing it with pride. It was one of the BEST days and we all had a ton of fun! So here is todays choice :-)
Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to
Ironically, I now a TON of songs all the words to, but what I really like to do if play with peoples minds since I can sing BOTH parts of these. If I have the music going, I can mimic both voices :-) It is fun to do. The only video with the good music quality was a very boring and badly made. Hope you enjoy the music :D
Day 09 - A song that you can dance to
No one could ever confuse me with someone who could dance, but back in the day, there was a dance that everyone in Texas used to be able to do. Well, I was going to use the following song, http://youtu.be/yXv5Trn7hDo However, since I cannot use that one, I figured I would use another song that a few *ahem Paulette* should know *wink* *wink*
It is the electric slide!
Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Normally, I listen to an audiobook to fall asleep to. Something like "The Series of Unfortunate Events" By Lemony Snicket. Yesterday I was listening to "A Woman Without Lies" By Elizabeth Lowell. If I listen to music to go to sleep I have a few classical songs I love listening to. The group that I like the most is called Secret Garden. One of my fav songs to falls alseep to is called "Silent Wings". The video that goes with this is very soothing as well. Be careful not to fall asleep listening :-)
Day 11 - A song from your favorite band
I don't really have a favorite band. I just find something I like and roll with it. Here lately it has been Rascal Flats. There are a few songs that remind me of my BFF Paulette. So, I decided to put that one here. Enjoy :-)
Day 12 - A song from a band you hate
I am a day behind. Bad Rachel Bad! *Snicker* Yesterday was Easter, and I had to go hunt eggs with the kiddos. After 3 parties and a major storm, I just crashed for the night. There are not very many songs that I don't like, but this is one of them. I don't like the message that this song sends.
Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
I am not sure how a song can be a guilty pleasure, but here is one I think fits the bill :-) It was one I was listening to when I was pregnant and thinking about my daughter, Faith. The name of the song is "Heaven's Gift to Me" It is also known as a Wiccan Lullaby. The singer is known as Gypsy.
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
There are very few things that would surprise people, I have one that may fit the bill. This one may do it... It is from a series called "The Nadesico" The song is called Ruki's song also know as "Let Me Be Your Number 1"
Day 15 - A song that describes you
Today's choice was very difficult. I have a hard time thinking of what is me. So, with a little help from Connor, here is todays choice :-)
Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
There are a very wide varieties of music that I used to love now hate. Hubby likes to play a song over and over and over and over and over and over again till it grates on the nerves. Here is one I used to love especially while I was clubbing in my younger pre-kid days but now kind hardly stand. :$
Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
This song is all over my fav radio station 103.7 KVIL. It is called "Bubbly" It is so cute and upbeat :)
Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
I love upbeat and positive songs, so there is a whole list of songs I would love to hear. However, there is one that I love that I feel should be on the radio more often. It is Michelle Branch "You Set me Free"
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
I happen to LOVE Phantom of the Opera! It is one of my all time favorites and one of these days, I would love to see it live and in person, but till then...
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
When I am angry, I normally like to listen to a group of upbeat songs to try and get a grip on my temper, however, there is one song that I listen to if I cannot get a grip. It is called "I hate Everything" By George Strait
After this choice was made, something came up over the weekend that REALLY hacked me off, and I thought of a song that I listen to more often than the one above....Fair warning this song has EXPLICIT language it is called "Slept So Long" from the movie "Queen of the Damned"
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
Good Lord this one is a challenge! There are several songs that I love to listen to especially when I am happy..I guess my favorite of these are "Watch Me Shine" by Joanna Pacitti
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
Only a handful of truly great friends have seen me cry. I have a major issue with it. However if I am on my own and sad, I do have one song that I listen to from the movie "Ernest Goes to Camp"The song isThis one is hard to admit to. I have a thing against very called "I'm Glad it's Raining"
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
Since I have been married 13 years, this one is super easy! At the wedding, we were not allowed alot of music, and our preacher had thought we were joking about getting married (even though we asked him to do the wedding vows) he found us getting married a joke because I was 18 (just barely) and Pat was 20. We were and still are wildly in love, though some days it is harder to believe than others. Our wedding song was one that Pat dedicated to me "(Everything I do) I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
I have seen a few people have a real issue with this, but I don't. I want my funeral to be followed by a HUGE party. I don't want family and friends crying that I am gone (for very long) I want them to remember how I lived and that I love my family and friends and I believe that we will all meet up again in Heaven. Also, since I was told that "Irish Mountain Dew" was inappropriate (although considering I want an open bar at the reception I tend to disagree) This is the song I want played at my funeral...It is by Kim Carnes the song is called "I'll Be Where the Heart is"
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
There are several hilarious songs, but this is one of the best. Especially know that my daughter is old enough to go to camp. :)
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Time to surprise a few folks. I used to play the trumpet, and this was one of the songs I played for the end of the year concert way back in the day...
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
I would LOVE to be able to play "Point of No Return" Since I am a BIG TIME fan of Phantom of the Opera and already know the music I would love to be able to play this song.
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
The Singer is easy enough... Red Sovine! He has a TON of songs that are sad and evoke guilt trips....The one that evokes the most amount of guilt is called "Roses for Mama" (MsPDrama - I suggest skipping this song unless you have kleenexs)
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
This is one of the EASIEST of the challenge. Anyone remember New Kids on the Block BEFORE they became NKOTB? This was one of my FAVS
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year
FINALLY the end! This challenge is 29 days longer than my attention span LOL! Fav song last year this time was Miley Cyrus "The Climb"
Monday, April 11, 2011
Getting Started
Let's see how this goes. While setting this up, my Bff is on twitter happily tweeting about "Dancing with the Stars" and I am thinking of kicking the PC, cause whatever I am doing just cannot be right!
This morning while going through McD's for a daily caffine fix (coca cola not coffee), I yielded to a pedestrian and my kindness was greeted with a scowl. While thinking that next time I should hit the gas and let her walk behind my car instead of the brake and blocking traffic for her, I thought what would it be like if I started a blog like my BFF and then I could post some of my crazy rants on it.
I honestly am not sure if what I say will matter, but it will be a place to speak some of my mind and with her doing the 30 day music challenge, it looked like fun.
Well, this will be a start, and we will see what tomorrow brings. :) And to my Bff, I chose the title when I thought of you :-) You are the ABSOLUTE best!!!
This morning while going through McD's for a daily caffine fix (coca cola not coffee), I yielded to a pedestrian and my kindness was greeted with a scowl. While thinking that next time I should hit the gas and let her walk behind my car instead of the brake and blocking traffic for her, I thought what would it be like if I started a blog like my BFF and then I could post some of my crazy rants on it.
I honestly am not sure if what I say will matter, but it will be a place to speak some of my mind and with her doing the 30 day music challenge, it looked like fun.
Well, this will be a start, and we will see what tomorrow brings. :) And to my Bff, I chose the title when I thought of you :-) You are the ABSOLUTE best!!!
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