Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh God NO!

Ok, go ahead and laugh...get it out of your system. Yes, I will wait. *time creeps slowly by* Ok, no that you are done laughing at the title of this blog, I have a crisis I wish to talk about. Yesterday, my daughter Faith came in and once again she is in a mood and crying. Taking a deep breathe, I brace for what I know is about to happen and my mom (Nanna to Faith) gives me a weird "WTH" look. With the TAKS test that day, and the school forbidding me to have lunch with her like I promised I would, I knew she would be upset.

Anyhow, I am having a field day with her mood swings lately and each day pretty much starts the same.

6:30am - 7:00am We wake up the kids, try to feed them breakfast and stuff them into their school uniforms, then convince them that it is in their best interest to go to sleep.

7:10am - Push them into the car telling them that if we miss the bus, Daddy will be late to work and it is time to move it!

7:15am - 2:15pm Run errands, go to the gym for torture, fix what needs fixing in the household and if absolutely necessary, clean the house

2:15 - Pick up Nic at the bus stop and hear why he got and "N" or "U" that day. It is stupid to expect a 4 year old to sit still for 6 hours..but it is our school district

3:20 pm - so it begins....

*sigh* here we go.... Faith comes FLYING through the door crying and telling everyone she has to go pee get out of the way. Fine, whatever, she never uses the restroom at the school before getting on the bus so she normally comes in flying. She throws her book bag on the chair as she is running across the apartment to the potty all while screaming that the bus driver wants to talk to us.

Oh God, is she fighting AGAIN? So, I what till she is done, and ask her to come talk to me. She comes out crying and screaming that she wasn't fighting. Why won't anyone believe her??? Well, I asked her for some details and she said her side and head hurt and the kids were being to loud and when she asked them to quiet down, they ignored her. AS IF?!?!

Deep breathe and look at the calender. OH NO, it is the last week of the month and I am sooo in for it! Nanna has yet to see it, so she is a little confused at my response.

I try to ask her if she was fighting on the bus again. This resulted in immediate tears followed by her shreiking "NO, I was not fighting... they weren't listening and all I wanted was to be left alone!"

So, I tried to ask her if she was using the same tone of voice with them that she was using with me, because she was screaming and not politely asking as she was taught. This statement was met with "YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME!!!" follewed by her stomping into her room and slamming the door.

Nanna is now puzzled and I am wanting to ram my head into a wall. Since she was 8 1/2 she has had mood swings during the end of the month, and after she turned almost 2 months ago, they have been getting stronger. I got her the book "The Keeping and Caring of You for girls" so that she will better understand the changes going on with her and her body since she is getting to the age of puberty.

I glance at the clock, 3:25. Now, I have a weeping, fully disgruntled 9 year old girl and I am trying very hard to keep my cool and figure out what is going on. Nic tries to help her and she viciously turns on him. Since he is only 4, I told her he was just trying to help, and she needed to keep ahold of her temper. This is of course met with a fresh load of tears and screeching of how the world is out to get her.

So, after 45 minutes of the similar stuff, Nanna and I go out to pick up her brothers birthday present and take a breather. In the car, while I was taking a calming breathe, Nanna announces that she knows what is wrong with Faith. I had already suspected, but still she is more experienced after dealing with me.

"Well, she had a headache and her sides hurt." Yeah I remember that..."She also looks puffy and swollen" oh yeah... water retention. "Then there was the crying at the drop of a hat and the screaming" Bet the neighbors noticed that one. "She is PMSing." OH GOD NO! It is WAY to early to deal with this. I only recently got used to buying her bras and having to shave her legs (she was cursed with Hubby's hair curse)

So, this morning, Hubby goes to talk to the bus driver and the bus driver says she has become supersensitive about everything and she seems to young for puberty, but she seems to be going that way could we calm her down. WTH does he think we are trying to do????

OH GOD it is 9:30 in the morning and even typing about this is stressing. She is too young and I know that when Mother Nature fully kicks in I am in for it. Wonder if she will be to young to check for PMDD (PMS on Steroids)......Dear God, here my pleas... Can PMS and Mother Nature please be put on hold till she is 18? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. I'd laugh but I'm too busy crying and running to hide somewhere cause I know how I am and that times 2 plus potentially me still....OMG!!!! EEEEEKKKKSSSS!
