Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting Started

Let's see how this goes.  While setting this up, my Bff is on twitter happily tweeting about "Dancing with the Stars" and I am thinking of kicking the PC, cause whatever I am doing just cannot be right!

This morning while going through McD's for a daily caffine fix (coca cola not coffee), I yielded to a pedestrian and my kindness was greeted with a scowl.  While thinking that next time I should hit the gas and let her walk behind my car instead of the brake and blocking traffic for her, I thought what would it be like if I started a blog like my BFF and then I could post some of my crazy rants on it.

I honestly am not sure if what I say will matter, but it will be a place to speak some of my mind and with her doing the 30 day music challenge, it looked like fun.

Well, this will be a start, and we will see what tomorrow brings. :)  And to my Bff, I chose the title when I thought of you :-)  You are the ABSOLUTE best!!!

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